Judge Elizabeth Gaynor (County Court of Victoria) Interview 18/10/2005
What are your plans for the future? Will you stay on as a judge?
Yes, I think so. I’m fifty now. Being a judge is not usually something you leave. It’s usually something
you do until you retire and I feel fairly comfortable with that concept. I don’t find being a judge as
exciting or as vital as being a barrister. I really missed the Bar a lot when I first became a judge but
I think I’d find it hard to go back now. I think my adrenalin pool has dried up and I like this work and
I also have a more balanced life now. And I enjoy sitting in court and I enjoy watching it.
Like the scales?
Yes that’s right.
You’ve attained it (balance).
I’ve attained a bit more, that’s right. So I think this is what I’ll be doing very boringly until I retire.
Conducted for the Bar Oral History project by Juliette
Brodsky, and filmed by Stewart Carter (People Pictures)